YLS Partner
Youth Leadership Summit
Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
Lead sponsor benefits will include:
- Complimentary participation
- Branding on the Summit sponsors’ banner, in the official program guide, on the Annual Conference website
- Logo on the Summit bag
- Giveaway included in the Summit bag
- Signage at a signature event/activity (You will be considered the sponsor of the event)
- Remarks at the signature event/activity
- Full page color premium ad in the Summit guide
- Recognition through social media sites
- Reserved seats for you and company guests at events you wish to attend
- Recognition at the Welcome Plenary Session
Standard Benefits:
- Complimentary passes for you and your guests
- Branding on the Summit sponsor’s banner, in the official program guide, on the Annual Conference Website and the Wall of Sponsors at the Convention Center
- Giveaway included in the Summit bag
- Opportunity to provide a giveaway for the event that you sponsor
- Signage at the event/activity that you sponsor
- Remarks at the event /activity that you sponsor
- Full- or half-page color ad in the Summit guide (Full page ad: $30,000+; Half-page ad: $25,000 or less)
- Recognition through social media sites
- Reserved seats for you and company guests at events you wish to attend
- Opportunity to attend and provide company executives for the Legacy of Success Luncheon
- Recognition at the Welcome Plenary Session
- 4 or 2 complimentary registrations and tickets to two luncheons and the Awards Gala for the general conference (4 Registrations: $35,000+; 2 Registrations: Less than $35,000)
- Photo op with youth attendees