Conference Essentials

Conference Essentials

Pocket Agenda
Size: 8x4.5
Print Run: 5000
The 8x4.5 agenda will be a quick reference to the conference. You will receive thousands of impressions with this sponsorship! Your logo will be prominently displayed on the cover and other pages of the guide which attendees will use daily to follow the events taking place during the conference.

Expo & Employment Guide
(Sponsors advertising included)
Size: 6x9
Print Run: 6000
The official guide to the Expo and the Career & Networking Fair will be a “6 x 9” printed resource to happenings in the exhibits and the job fair, including schedules for the Career Fair and the Mainstage, workshops and seminars, highlights in the Health & Wellness Zone, the Volunteer Zone, Community & Family Day and other key information that will keep the brochure in the hands of attendees for the duration of the event. Complimentary copies of the Guide will be placed in the registration bags and distributed at the Expo Hall and the Career & Networking Fair. Companies with booths will receive full page color ads in the guide. The sponsor of the guide will have prominent ad placement. With 6,000 guides in circulation your company will receive thousands of impressions. 

Sponsor the guide and your company will receive a premium ad, a 10 x 20 Expo booth, a 10 x 10 Career Fair booth, a private interview booth, complimentary registrations, exhibit booth passes and free job postings on the online employment network.