A one-of-a-kind combination of professional development and community action, YP L.E.A.D.S. is a three-day summit designed to empower young people to create positive change by connecting them with business leaders, policymakers, and, most importantly, each other. Led by the National Urban League Young Professionals, expect an engaging plenary, reputable experts, insightful training, exclusive networking, and social events for both professional and personal development – all geared towards equipping young leaders of the Urban League Movement.
YP L.E.A.D.S. Forum: Emotional Rescue: Prioritizing Mental Health and Wellness in the Workplace
YP L.E.A.D. Summit
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There’s no undervaluing emotional wellness when it comes to professional performance and work/life balance. This session, specifically crafted for young professionals in the Urban League movement and beyond, gathers experts in the fields of mental health and workplace wellness to discuss the importance of staying emotionally centered in a high-stakes, fast-paced professional setting. The discussion will encompass strategies for managing stress and burnout, building a healthy workplace culture, and where to find support and resources for maintaining good mental health. Join us for an inspiring and informative conversation on escaping the emotional pitfalls of meeting the demands of work and life. Your mental health comes first!
Moderator: Jeanne N. Johnson, MSEd, LPC, a.k.a. J the Therapist, Owner, JNJ Coaching and Consulting
Sponsor Remarks: Denise Malloy, SVP, Chief Belonging Officer, Walmart
Etienne Maurice, Founder, Walk Good LA
Kevin Dedner, MPH, Author & Mental Health Advocate
Dr. Angela Holliday-Bell, Certified Sleep Specialist, Speaker and Founder of the Solution is Sleep LLC.