Forum 4: Black Health - Racism Is a Preexisting Condition: Closing the Health Gap
For African Americans, the COVID pandemic both exposed and worsened racial disparities caused by social factors such as poor access to health care, economic instability, and institutional neglect. Our panel of health experts and community activists will debate strategies to address these challenges and improve health outcomes for communities of color.
Moderator: Reed V. Tuckson, M.D., FACP, Managing Partner of Tuckson Health Connections
Sponsor Remarks:
Gina Stuart, Senior Director of Diversity Strategy and Development at Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) Walgreens
Alix Lowe-Server, Federal Policy Advisor, Lyft
Dr. Riana Elyse Anderson, Assistant Professor, U-M Health Behavior & Health Education Director, EMBRace
Dr. Melissa E. Clarke, Founder & CEO, The BHE Group