Forum 1: Social Justice - Black Power Renewed: Challenging the Social Justice Backlash
In the long history of The Movement, every step forward in the struggle for social justice has been met with pushback. White supremacy dies hard. Even so, never in modern times has the backlash been so virulent at the policy level, or so violent on the streets. How does Black Power assert itself in 2022? Our panelists hold provocative answers in this essential session.
Moderator: Jerika L. Richardson, Senior Vice President, Equitable Justice & Strategic Initiatives, National Urban League
Sponsor Remarks: Simone Harris - Laws, Senior Director, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Marketing & Community Partnerships, Macy’s
Michael Blake, President of Next Level Sports and Entertainment and Founder & CEO of Atlas Strategy Group, Inc
Reverend Stephen A. Green, St. Luke AME Church and Faith for Black Lives, a faith-based social justice organization