Speaker Bio's picture
Shawn Outler
Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer/Macy’s Inc.

Shawn Outler is a seasoned executive with over 30 years of experience in the retail industry. In 2018, she was appointed by the CEO to become Macy’s first chief DEI officer and co-chair of the company's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Business Council. In her first year, she developed a bold vision and charter to advance forward-looking D&I practices across the organization (Macy's, Bloomingdale's, Bluemercury, STORY). A frequent speaker and panelist on diversity & inclusion, Shawn has been widely recognized for her professional accomplishments by Black Enterprise (Women of Power and Most Powerful African American Executives in Corporate America), the National Retail Federation (People Shaping Retail's Future),  Black Retail Action Group (Power of Excellence Award) and the  NAACP (Community, Business, Service and Multicultural Award).