Speaker Bio's picture
Dr. Mustafa Ali Santiago
Executive Vice President of Conservation & Justice /National Wildlife Federation

Dr. Mustafa Santiago Ali is the former interim chief of programs at the Union of Concerned Scientists), an instructor at American University. and the Founder and CEO of Revitalization Strategies. He also serves as a commissioner for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Before joining NWF, Mustafa was SVP for the Hip Hop Caucus, a national nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that connects the hip hop community to the civic process. Previously, Mustafa worked 22 years at the Environmental Protection Agency. In 2019, Mustafa co-designed and co-moderated the first presidential forum on environmental justice with Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now. In 2020, he launched the Clean Economy of Color Coalition to prepare and educate entrepreneurs, frontline organizations and local officials for opportunities that recent legislation provides to build wealth, lower emissions and address the climate crisis.