Speaker Bio's picture
Kemba Smith Pradia
Criminal Justice Reform Advocate/Founder The Kemba Smith Foundation

Kemba Smith Pradia went from college student to drug dealer’s girlfriend to domestic violence victim and in 1994 she was sentenced to 24.5 years in federal prison. The “poster child” for reversing a disturbing trend of lengthy sentences for first-time, non-violent drug offenders, Kemba’s case drew support from across the nation, prompting President Clinton to commute her sentence after having served 6. 5 years. Today, Kemba is a wife, mother, public speaker, advocate, consultant and executive producer of “Kemba,” an MPI original film inspired by her life story. She serves on the board of directors of Virginia CARES and Drug Policy Alliance and is the founder of her 501 (c) 3, The Kemba Smith Foundation.