
Speaker Bio

dnorth22@nul.org's picture
David North
Gospel Performer, Director /Mosaic Harmony Community Choir

David K. North has been singing and performing professionally for 50 years. He has written, produced, and performed on multiple recordings, and was a soloist with the Men and Women of the Gospel at the Kennedy Center, Washington, DC.  David’s theatrical experience includes performances in the classic musicals “South Pacific” and “Fiddler on the Roof” with the St. Louis Municipal Opera, and the lead role of Oedipus in "Gospel at Colonus" at the Anacostia Playhouse of Washington, D.C. He twice performed the Ghost of Christmas Present in an adaptation of “A Christmas Carol” with Wolf Pack Theatre Company. Since 1996, he has served as director of Mosaic Harmony Community Choir. During his tenure, the choir has performed many of David’s original choral compositions and arrangements.