Why Brands Must Take a Stand
Moderator: Kimberly Lee Minor, CEO, Spiceteria
Kimberly A. Blackwell, CEO, PMM Agency
Bevy Smith, Co-Host of Page Six TV; Host of SiriusXM “BEVELATIONS”
Dapper Dan, Fashion Designer & Haberdasher
Nick F. Nelson, Principal and Chief Marketing Officer, LIQUID SOUL; CEO, BrandPreneur
For decades, conventional wisdom held that companies with highly identifiable brands should avoid controversy at all costs. No longer. Today’s consumer wants to know if the brands they support reflect their values. Does your company stand against inequality? Are your business practices good for the environment? Consumers are asking these questions and more, force corporate entities to step up and take sides. Risky, yes, but there are rewards, as the marketing professionals guiding this session have shown. Is it time for your brand to make a stand?