
Speaker Bio

rmarlow@Nul.org's picture
Ronald G. Marlow
Vice President, Workforce Development/National Urban League

Ronald G. Marlow’s career spans the public and not-for-profit sectors. As vice president for workforce development with the National Urban League, he is responsible for funded programs delivered by Urban League affiliates at the community level.

Before joining the League, Marlow served as undersecretary for workforce development for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He also served as the state’s assistant secretary for access and opportunity and as director of the development cabinet in Governor Patrick’s administration.

Committed to community service, Marlow also served on the boards of the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, the Greater New England Minority Supplier Development Council, the Center for Women Enterprise, the Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation, and the Massachusetts Community Development Finance Corporation, among others.

He is the recipient of the NAACP’s distinguished “Keeper of the Flame” award and the Small Business Administration’s Minority Business Champion award for both the state of Massachusetts and the New England Region. Marlow earned his master’s degree in law, policy, and society from Northeastern University and his bachelor’s degree from Pennsylvania State University.