
Speaker Bio

jcrockett24@nul.org's picture
Rep. Jasmine Crockett
Congresswoman (TX-30)

As a public defender, civil rights attorney, Texas state representative, and member of the  United States Congress, Jasmine Crockett has dedicated her life to public service, promoting justice, and ensuring equality for all. In the midst of political turmoil, economic distress, and racial inequality,  Crockett became the sole Black freshman and youngest Black lawmaker in Texas during its 87th Legislative session, the most conservative in history. Despite the obstacles, she assembled a broad coalition to pass landmark criminal justice reforms and brought unprecedented accessibility and accountability to the office. Following her service in the Texas legislature, she was elected to Congress, where she is building on her legacy, fighting to expand access to healthcare, voting rights, and economic opportunity, and protect Medicare, Social Security, and critical social safety net programs.