Career Fair: Career Coaching – Your Secret to Success followed by Coaching Corner

August 04, 2016 - 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
The Baltimore Convention Center - Expo Hall

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Sometimes, there are only so many self-help books to buy, career inquires to Google and articles to read – as helpful as they are – you still need an outside voice. Our panel will give you the Career Coach support you have been looking for to help you find a job, transition industries, start a business, perform better at work and ultimately achieve career success.

Featured Speakers:

-Mary V. Davids (Moderator), Principal Consultant, D&M Consulting Services, LLC

-Marsha Haygood, Empowerment Coach, Motivational Speaker, Author and Leadership Consultant. Stepwise Associates, LLC

-Kevin Carr, President & CEO, PRO2CEO

-Lois Cooper, Author and Coach, Lee Hecht Harrison LMH Strategies, Inc.