Black Men: Fact vs. Fiction

September 28, 2021 - 12:40 PM - 1:50 PM
Virtual Auditorium

Empowerment Day | Tuesday, Sept. 28

The National Urban League comes together with the urgent purpose to execute the most ambitious agenda in our history. The twin pandemics of COVID and structural inequity, police brutality, and the fight to see justice for its victims, the most virulent attacks on voting rights since Reconstruction – these and other challenges have awakened a new spirit of advocacy from the grassroots to the corporate suite. We dedicate Opening Day to galvanizing our movement and our allies into a powerful force for empowerment.

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Black men and boys are constantly fighting against stereotypes and biased assumptions. The preconceptions of others affect how we are treated in the classroom, in the workplace, even by law enforcement in our communities and homes, where structural bias produced deadly consequences in 2020. Today, black men of all ages and in every arena, are demolishing the fictions that were used to curb our advancement. Hear from an exciting panel of leaders and change-makers who are defying racist expectations and transforming American society from their respective fields.

Enough of the fiction, these black men bring the facts!

Sponsor Remarks:
Nii Quartelai, Senior Advisor & National LGBTQ Liaison Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion AARP

Jeff Johnson, CEO, Men Thrive

Quincy Dunlap, President and CEO Austin Area Urban League
Devale Ellis, Actor & Author
Dr. Randall Pinkett, President and CEO, BCT Partners
