Nationwide LED Talk: Building and Leading Diverse Teams

July 25, 2024 - 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM
Hyatt Regency - Storyville Hall

Urban League NOW

Thursday, July 25th & Friday, July 26th  10:30am – 6:30pm
Need a break in your schedule between plenaries and sessions? Visit the Urban League NOW Experience & Lounge, the ultimate networking, educational, and hospitality experience during the National Urban League Conference!  From coffee and coworking spaces to product giveaways and free headshots, this is the place for registered attendees to take a breather between sessions or network and connect with colleagues, top experts, professionals, celebrities, and influencers. 

Urban League NOW: Experience & Lounge features: 

Café au Lait & Beignets - Gumbo Get Right 

Health & Wellness Pop-up 

Fireside Chats 

Startup Showcase & Demo Day Giveaways 

LinkedIn Profile Reviews 

Free Headshots

Book Signings 

Celebrity Meet & Greet 

Make-up Tutorials

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(15 minutes – Sponsor remarks + talk)

In today’s rapidly evolving marketplace, building diverse, inclusive teams is not only the right thing to do, it's a strategic advantage.  The LED Talk explores how leaning into all dimensions of diversity — such as generational diversity and neurodiversity — fosters innovation and creates more creative, agile and effective teams. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of the value all lived experiences bring to organizations and strategies for maximizing differences for team and company wins.

Speaker: Giavonni Lucas, SVP, Chief Diversity & Talent Acquisition Officer, Nationwide


