
Speaker Bio

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Dr. Hakim J. Lucas
President & CEO/Virginia Union University

Hakim J. Lucas is the 13th president & CEO of Virginia Union University and is a strong believer in higher education as a path to social justice and works to ensure the sustainability of the nation’s HBCUs.  With more than two decades of experience in higher education, Dr. Lucas is the editor-in-chief of a series of publications on HBCUs for Information Age Publishing and is a senior research fellow with the Southern  Education Foundation. June 2022 saw the release of his latest book, “Modern Heroics: How HBCUs Navigated  the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Co-edited with Dr. Herman J. Felton (Wiley  College), the work shares detailed reflections from 10 HBCU presidents about how they mitigated the impact of COVID-19 on their institutions and African American higher education.