Speaker Bio's picture
Anthony (Tony) Wafford
President & CEO /I Choose Life Foundation

Tony Wafford founded the I Choose Life Foundation (ICLF) to address health inequities in the Black community. ICLF partners with community-based organizations to increase health literacy and access to health care. Wafford’s ability to address HIV/AIDS and STIs and other health crises from a culturally competent perspective has led to a 14-year partnership between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and he has successfully launched 30+ I Choose Life chapters across the U.S. Tony created the “Test One Million” initiative with the goal of testing one million African Americans for HIV. The campaign serves as a model for HIV/AIDS organizations to this day. He also created, produced, and directed the award-winning video, “Women Like You” in partnership with the NAACP, HPTN and Pfizer.