YP L.E.A.D. Summit Workshop - Young Professionals as Advocates and Civic Leaders

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YP L.E.A.D.S. brings together the millennials and Young Professionals who drive the Urban League Movement. Join them as they explore ways to empower communities, change lives, and better themselves in career and life. Expect insightful and engaging workshops, networking opportunities, and social events. Come to build new connections and strengthen old ones!

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This session brings together mission-focused and strategic political leaders and advocates to discuss how we can preserve and defend the principles of social justice, such as the expansion of fair housing, access to jobs, and increase quality education. Panelists will share stories based on their own experiences and offer insights on what is needed now at the community, state, and federal levels. Attendees will leave this session with a better understanding of how they can get more involved as advocates for and civic leaders in their communities – from joining community boards to running for elected office to holding elected officials accountable.

Moderator: Shavar Jeffries, National President of Democrats for Education Reform (DFER)

Panelist: Bakari Sellers, Former member of the South Carolina House of Representatives from 2006 to 2014

Panelist: A’Shanti Gholar

Panelist: The Honorable Michael Tubbs, Mayor of Stockton, California

Panelist: Tomeka Hart, Senior Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

