Plenary III: No Ceilings on Success: The Politics and Practices of Urban Education

August 03, 2018 - 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
The Greater Columbus Convention Center // Union Station ABC

The Honorable Sherrod Brown
, U.S. Senator, OH
Michael V. Drake, MD, President, The Ohio State University
Shannon G. Hardin, Council President, Columbus City Council

Moderator: David J. Johns, M.A., Executive Director, National Black Justice Coalition

Zakiyah Shaakir-Ansari, Advocacy Director, Alliance for Quality Education(AQENY)
The Honorable John B. King, Jr., former Education Secretary; President & CEO, The Education Trust
Lezli Baskerville, Esq., President & CEO, National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO)
Dr. Aminta H. Breaux, President, Bowie State University
Dr. Wayne A.I. Frederick, President, Howard University
Howard L. Fuller, Ph.D., Founder and Director, Institute for the Transformation of Learning, Marquette University
James L. Moore, III, Ph.D., Interim Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion & Chief Diversity Officer at The Ohio State University; Professor of Urban Education in the College of Education and Human Ecology
Erika McConduit, President & CEO, Urban League of Louisiana

Behind every thriving community you can find a profound educational system in place. Quality education shouldn’t be a luxury afforded to the affluent only, but a fundamental right and privilege for every child, regardless of their economic background. This session will involve in depth discussion around educational inequity and how it is hindering underprivileged youth from reaching their full potential. Other factors such as family, health and housing will also be a focal point in discovering ways to insure that there are no ceilings on success.

